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Friday, August 26, 2016

Getting rid of those habits and creating new patterns

September can feel really busy, right?
Boy do I understand that one. I’m in the middle of planning curriculum and sorting out fall clothes. It’s a little hairy. But that’s why I’m really excited about Monday, because it’s a no pressure, supported way of creating patterns that authentically represent ourselves.
I know that if you are on the brink of picking up a routine, you can do two things. You can let it create itself, by just diving in and getting done what you want to get done. Or, you can consciously set some new patterns. Patterns that set you up as the person you want to be.
I mean, we all have those niggles. Those things we’d like to do, like exercise each day, or get to bed half an hour earlier or start the day with a green smoothie or meditation. It’s our own things right? But we all have things we’re putting off, meaning to start... and then not starting them. They then sit there... a little bit of a weight, which we shake our head about, wondering why we just don’t start already.
What better time to start than September? The relaxed state of summer has primed us to create a routine for fall and we’re ripe for new patterns. It’s the perfect fertile soil for the seeds of change.
And that seed can be the smallest shift... the smallest new habit. Just enough to tell ourselves and that voice of homeostasis... we mean business. We’re in charge of ourselves. It’s up to us what we do in each day and how we do it. We fall into our own patterns, but it’s up to change them if we want to.
So, the question is... do you want to take that lead? Do you want to finally do that little niggling thing, you keep beating yourself up over, each time you don’t do it?
If the answer is yes, then I really hope you join me on Monday, for my free 10 day challenge. Or maybe you’ve already signed up and  We’re going to set in motion some awesome new habit forming patterns.
And if the answer is no... then you need to ask yourself why not? Are you perfectly happy with your routine? Is everything running as smoothly, happily, mindfully, as you wish it could be?
It can be scary to finally step out of the comfort zone, especially when we can feel overwhelmed in the first place. The excuses can build up and be never ending.
 But think of that niggle as your truest self calling you forth, saying let’s make life easier with this one new step. Maybe with a little step, the busyness will be more manageable.
And on Monday, we’ll all be supporting each other and helping  each other on the way, even with just a little emoticon left in comments over on the FB group, we’ll all know we’re not alone in this shift!
Accountability and support makes all the difference. Anyway, I really hope you’ll join in.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

The Pursuit of Spiritually Aware Parenting

Someone asked me today what my “goal” is in the work I do, and an image flashed across my mind.
It was a pregnant mother to be walking into a spiritual bookstore in Glastonbury over in the UK.
The woman was me.
14 years ago, my husband and I were expecting our first daughter and like some excited school girl I danced into every bookstore I could find, looking for that tool, that golden compass which would help me find the spiritual path I knew pregnancy could be. Up until that point, I’d avidly gobbled up every spiritual book I could find. Before meeting my husband, I’d Marianne Williamson’d, Deepak’d and Dyer’d. I had gone old school with holy books and philosophy leaders and on the flip side, had watched Oprah until the sun went down. I’d even been a screenwriter for a spiritual television
program for children. Spirituality coursed through my veins and I’d met my husband through the most spiritual connection I’d ever experienced, using connection, the law of attraction and intuition.
It seemed like pregnancy should be the same. It felt like parenthood was a holy rite to be passed though and I wanted to meditate through labor and teach yoga to her before she could walk. She would be enlightened and know all the tools I’d been gathering for years, so her life would be golden.
But, I hadn’t counted on the fear, socially inflicted doubt and the fact that my life had sped up and I already felt I was running out of time!
I felt rushed as each trimester passed...I talked and read what I could find but I felt I would never have the quiet I craved and the more I craved it, the more I didn’t know how to savor it when I found it. I felt like a runaway train was behind me that hollered “She’s coming soon and you aren’t lined up yet. Line Up!”
My feeble attempts to have small rituals or make things sacred for our daughter, were done for my own outward show, trying to convince my fearful heart that I would “get it right”, while I really felt that  I really didn’t know what I was doing, or who she was, or who I was going to be as a mom. I wanted to enjoy that time... but it was flying by and tainted with morning sickness. I felt like I was having a shadow experience of something I wanted with all my heart.
I sometimes felt so guilty for feeling like I was failing her and she hadn’t even been born yet.
And so, I wandered into bookstores, looking for the book that hadn’t been written.
And I kept aimlessly looking for a couple of years.
2 daughters later I decided it was time to slow down and tap into the inner resources I’d known all along was within me, but I’d been too nervous to look before. I’d have to dig deeper than I ever had. I’d have to be vulnerable and push back the veil.
For some reason, I thought that parenting was something everyone had figured out already, and I should play by the rules. I might have found true love across the ocean by mere instinct and without any dating experience like everyone else. but parenting... surely I was safest following other people’s lead.
But I finally got it. I couldn’t play a role and feel authentic to myself. I couldn’t have the spiritual experience while pretending to be something else. Trying made no sense. My girls, my husband and I were going to have to live a different story. The veil had to be pulled back. The real me had to emerge.
And so it began... oh it was shaky for awhile I can tell you. The philosophy had to be invented as going, and with a daughter who had iron will, I fell back into old habits more than not. I screamed, I shouted, I guilted and I even shamefully spanked as my own reaction to the lack of control and dictatorship I had (I mean everyone else said I should be in control, was I really supposed to give that up?)
But little by little I remembered Who I was... and who I wanted to be. I remembered I was connected when I felt good, and if fighting felt bad, it wasn’t good.
So I started passing on tools to the girls as I practiced them again for myself. Exercises, games, stories, anything that could offer them emotional awareness. Homeschooling provided us with the best platform for emotional awareness lessons and life tools.
And then I got pregnant with our son.
I went back and redid pregnancy, the way I had wanted to in the first place.  I rewrote the experience and connected to the source within my son by 16 weeks. He was my eyes and ears to how the pregnancy was going. It was enlightened.
Everything rolled together and kept rolling. Our girls were learning how to feel, and to follow their hearts. They became sensitive to how the law of attraction brought in what they were feeling. They became in awe of the world around them, and integrated spirit and magic into near enough everything. The world made sense on a deeper level for them. They did yoga, and learnt how to meditate....
Scratch that... they’d always known how to be the incredible spirits that they are.
Along with our son, they taught me how to allow and move through stages rather than force them.
Behaviour became an indicator of how they were feeling about themselves not how “bad” they were and my stress was a sign that I needed to connect to ME, not to find fault in Them.
There wasn’t any pressure to pass on wisdom, I got to learn some. I got to play more, I got to laugh more.
Life finally slowed down and I could enjoy it feeling fulfilled and authentically me.
And that’s my goal for my work. I want for as many of you as possible to find ease in the chaos and speed of the day. I want you to feel so much deeper than the routine and daily chores. I want to empower children to look for the deeper route in life and to have emotional awareness, knowing themselves so they can navigate through it all. I want love, laughter and ease for everyone.
Is that too much to ask? Maybe. But not too much to try.

Its right around the corner, you know? Just pull aside the veil and see what’s there.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

5 Steps to Becoming The Parent You Want to Be

Last week I heard something that blew my mind.
Do you want to know one of the greatest parts of ourselves that hold us back?
What do you think it is? What holds each of us back from becoming the people, the parents, we want to be?
Give up?
I’ll let that penny drop for a moment.
Yeah, homeostasis. That system within ourselves that keeps us within our comfort zone... or rather the practiced zone. That system that cools us down when we are too hot and warms us up when we’re too cold. That natural system that keeps us regulated, is also the thing that prevents us from achieving our own self improvement.
Has that hit you as strongly as it did me?
I mean, I’ve always felt that. It makes complete sense. I just never saw it that clearly. I’ve always thought that as Spirits we wanted to achieve more; that we are always learning and growing. I’ve often wondered what force was behind the holding back sensation, the part of us that sighs, goes back to bed and says “I’ll start that new habit tomorrow.”
So, 80% of us wants to stay the same. I don’t mean 80% of us as a group, I mean 80% of ourselves.
We program ourselves to stay the same.
So, each time we react to our children, each time we don’t bother making a list of positive aspects, every time we see through a negative perspective or criticize another even though we feel bad about it... it’ s because there’s a huge part of us that is telling ourselves....
Don’t change. Keep the Same.
I don’t know about you... but on one side that can really upset me, I could feel hopeless and deflated.
But on the other side it empowers me to the hilt.
 Wait, that little voice that encourages me to not bother, or keeps me in my negative patterns is just myself trying to find balance and homeostasis? I can reprogram THAT!
I can now see it for what it really is. I don’t have to listen to it logically break down and convince me to just follow my spirals or bad moods. I don’t have to believe it, and I can darn well ignore it.
In fact, it makes me want to do everything differently. Call me a rebel! LOL
So, with the knowledge that a huge part of us wants to resist any change, I’ve compiled a simple list of 5 top ways of sparking the change we want to see within ourselves; From more positive parenting moments to more self care, let’s take control of our stories!

1)      Do something small. One small change practiced for 2-3 weeks. Do it at the same time every day. Try writing down 5 positive aspects about your day every night before bed. Make sure you do it EVERY NIGHT for at least 2 weeks. New habit.

2)      Support- I’ve learnt that nothing is more incredible than accountability. Share with your partner. Find a friend or group that wants to do the same thing. Tell people on a Favorite Facebook Group (Like the Spiritually Aware Parenting one)or start a group yourself. Anyway create accountability and someone will be there to remind you to keep your promise to yourself.

3)      Have a reminder. From post-its around the house to alarms on your phone do something that is going to break you out of your own sightlines. We all need reminders (remember 80% of ourselves is going to insist we forget.)

4)      Shift it around. If you usually try to clean up before having time with the kids, switch it. Play first. Have fun with it. Eat Lunch food for Dinner and dinner for lunch. Heck, try desert first. Why, because we get to choose, right? I mean you won’t know why it doesn’t work until you try it! Break small routines even just once and you can say you’ve done it. Spirit loves spontaneity!

5)      Forgive yourself. So often we fall back into bad habits and give up for a lost job. But with 80% of your mental programming telling you to give up, then you know that its just neural pathways that need re-programming. Forgive yourself, let it go and get back at it again in the morning.

Remember, our minds can be like wild animals (or chattering monkeys!)  and the best way to train them is with love and gentle guidance. Once we’ve allowed our mind to re-focus onto the direction we want, the rest is easy. It’s just that first break. That first step in control and with so many more people pursuing mindful living, you can always find the support system that works for you. So take that first step... and then take it one step at a time.